19-69 Perfumes – Transporting You To A Moment In Time
As you walk home one night with the rays of a setting sun painting the bronze rooftops a dazzling array of pink, you walk past a restaurant and are hit by a dizzying wave of glorious scents. Without needing to think, you are whisked away to one beautiful moment in time, reliving summers gone by, raucous nights with friends, and moments of quiet peace. Scents transport us, and awaken us – they are so intrinsic to our memories and so powerful that they can inspire overwhelming emotion.
Launched in 2017, 19-69 commemorates not just the year its founder Johan Bergelin was born but more importantly the era of freedom, love, tolerance, and counter-culture it represented. Every scent is inspired by a moment or an era, before being imbued with the vivacious vibrancies of unique arts, cultures, and movements. With ‘Bottling Counterculture’ as their motto, several of 19-69’s fragrances are inspired by stories that come from the periphery, like the hippie trails of the 60s, the spiced air of a bustling Malaysian restaurant, or the musky ambivalence of an 80s neo-noir film. Deeply individualistic and intimate, each scent from 19-69 is lovingly handcrafted in the renowned French perfume city of Grasse, to transport you to a moment in time and imbue you with feeling.
We are very excited to be bringing the 19-69 universe to our Community and if you want to experience it for yourself, join us at our flagship on Store Regnegade 2 to find the era that best describes you.