NAKED Copenhagen & New Balance for International Women’s Day
In recognition of International Women’s Day and in collaboration with New Balance, NAKED Copenhagen hosted a panel talk in our flagship location, helmed by four talented women from the NAKED Community. Chaired by our longtime friend SallysSneakers, and joined by Dia Jovanovic (Co-Founder of Aeris Cocktails), Emma Bitz (Co-founder FemaleInvest), and Nagin Ravand (Football Player & Coach), each panellist brought their industry-leading experience to the fore, to share their insights and the personal drive that brought them to their chosen career paths.

Building on the notion of drive and ambition, our guests touched on the vital importance of work-life balance, and how to nurture your mental health in high-stress industries. The overarching discussion throughout covered gender in the professional space, and how each panellist saw their career paths shaped by being a woman. Covering both the empowering aspects and the historical disadvantages, our panellists honed in on how we can all contribute to creating a more welcoming, and inclusive space for women in the future as they take the next, or first, steps in their careers.

"Instead of saying community, I'm going to say my circle. So I have surrounded myself with strong women because I've noticed that we share so many stories that are the same. And I've noticed that we can actually give each other weapons or tools to handle situations better or differently because it's not easy to fight back power when it's exercised on you, right?"
- Dia Jovanovic